The new Food Pyramid advises to eat more fruit and vegetables and fewer carbohydrates (breads, pasta, sweets). Balanced diet is the key to healthy life, limiting high fat, sugar and salty foods to no more than once or twice a week. It’s recommended to have up to 7 servings of fruit and vegetables per day, and these compromise the largest shelf on the food pyramid. The range of servings for carbohydrates has been reduced to between three and five a day for everyone except active athletes. The amount of wholemeal cereals and breads, potatoes, pasta and rice has been reduced and bakers are not too happy that white bread is no more included on the food pyramid. As a general rule, it takes on average two months for a behavior to become a habit. Try making a few changes in your diet that you think you will be able to manage, and then stick to them for a couple of months until they become part of your natural routine 🙂
New Food Pyramid